water in a stick

water in a stick

Sunday, October 4, 2009


The meds they put me on make me sleep.  Not that sleeping is bad, but I am not getting much done. Wait, hark.....who sayeth I had to get something done?  My Mother is in the nether world, so it could only be me.  So, myself: shutest thou up, the chores will still await thee on the morrow.
Oh yeah, I forgot that part. Hmmm.  Now if you are a husband, your wife not only takes care of you when you are ill, but does all her usual stuff and MAYBE some of yours.  But... a women takes ill and the husband exits to the nearest hardware store, only to come home hours later asking what's for dinner.  And, of course, the chores just pile up until you are better.
Now, my husband is the exception.  He goes to the hardware store and stops off at the grocery store and comes home with chocolate.  Yay, Howard.  And...he is barbecuing dinner. Gosh, I knew all that praying I learned in Sunday school would pay off someday.
Well, it's beer time......   My chores will wait until tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. i love that illnesses never put a hamper on beer time. love you mom, and your quarkiness.
