water in a stick

water in a stick

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Did you know?

Did you know SOME people expect a lot, and others very little.  Why is it we try so hard for the few?  And....where do we get answers?
We are now in our Southern home in Indio, CA.  We arrived to a houseful of ants. ARGH!  And no....argh is not what I said when I saw them.  We diligently worked at removing them with boric acid solution, poison, a vacum cleaner, and eeuw! our fingers, until I had the heeby jeebies.  There were thousands and thousands.  That said, we creamed enough of the little buggers to be able to sleep that night.  At least we had the van to keep all our stuff in, we didn't dare bring anything into the house.  Then....yes!  We awoke the next morning to MILLIONS of ants in the van.  My loving espouso had parked the van with the front edge touching the house and up they climbed.  A stream a good two inches wide.  Back to work we went! Smashing and scraping and sucking the little devils into the vacum, the boric acid, whatever we could manage.  We couldn't keep up.
After a major breakdown where I stood in the middle of our street crying, (it was the only place without ants), my neighbor came and hugged me until I stopped leaking all over and I tip toed my way around the piles of black and into our home and huddled on the couch with beer and medication.
By the next day they were gone.  I think God saw what he hath wrought and realized that this woman's mental state was in dire jeopardy.
Now we clean up.
And then.......yes, the saga goes on, my UTI came back with a major vengence.  I tried to go shopping, I couldn't walk.  I looked ridiculous.  How does one straddle an ice pack and walk at the same time?   I gave up and came home.  More medication and three beers later I felt pretty good.  That was Thursday.  Miraculously, Friday I felt okay.  And then.....Saturday arrived and with it pain, anguish and the desperate call to Urgent Care.  I went.  They tested.  The bacteria was off the charts.  The Dr. smiled and showed me the paper.  He told me I was sick.  I paid him how much to tell me that?  He asked if I wanted something to relieve the pain.  I asked him if I shoved cut glass up his winkus would he want something?  He gave me a script.  We got to the pharmacy just as the pharmacist was going to lunch.  It would be a hours wait.  After and hour and a half we got the medicine and headed home.  I took it on the way and fell into my bed upon our return.
Oh...and did I forget to mention that as all this was happening I had this funny tingling in my lip.  It's like a bunch of sharp needles pricking in the same spot.  Yeah, a cold sore.  I have had them before and they are always precluded by this tingling so I told the Dr. and he said, oh yes, he would give me another script.  But he forgot.  We realized this on the way home and called him, he said he would call it in to the pharmacy.  When we got to the pharmacy we were told it would be $300.00 and our insurance, lovely people, do you know them?, would not be covering it.  My lip tingling away, we had the Pharmacist call the Dr. to see if there was not something a wee bit less costly to fix the problem.  And yes! There was.
It is now 5:43 pm Saturday night.  I am going outside to sit on our patio and drink a beer.  Or three.
I am not going to church tomorrow, but I will try to update on the exciting life here in Seniorville.

1 comment:

  1. ahhh mom. i told you that you should have stayed up here. EVEN your own body things so!
    have a BUNCH of beers for me, and your bladder. i'm off to drink a hot bath and relax in a bottle of wine... hehehe. i mean, well you know what i mean. miss you tons!
