water in a stick

water in a stick

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

writing, writers and hope

I wrote a book.  OMG!  I wrote a book.  It isn't published......yet.....but maybe someday.  For now it is enough that it is written. I am a writer.  Giggle.  Then I wrote a second book.  It isn't quite in shape yet to send to an agent, but close.  THEN I outlined a third book.  OMG!  I really am a writer.
My dream/goal is to get published.  Hey.....if I put part of my book online and others read it, would that be considered being published? hmmmmm.  Okay, the first 25 pages of WAKING UP are on my blog.  There.  I am a published author.  I wonder if anyone will ever read my words....besides my family, who I hound until they do.  It would be nice.
Will I ever get bold enough to send a query letter out?  It is written, but I am having trouble with the 'summary'.  I mean, what if I send out the query letter and they actually want a summary and the first 25 pages?  I have to have the summary written before I send the query letter out.
Someone once said that you had nothing to fear but fear itself.  I guess that makes me a coward.
Not today, Maybe tomorrow.

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