water in a stick

water in a stick

Sunday, September 26, 2010


It is Sunday, the 26th of September.  We are parked in our little van right next to the ocean listening to the waves crashing on the beach.  We drank beer and watched the surfers.  We ate a nice dinner, greek salad, chicken Marsala, and mashed potatoes.  White cake with raspberry filling and white buttercream frosting.  Delicious.  Dr. Oz would not approve.
We are near Venture.  Only a half days drive to our home in Indio........but will we travel there tomorrow?  Or stay here another day to watch more surfers, maybe even walk the beach.  It is nice not to have to decide now, we can wait until tomorrow.
After all......tomorrow is another day.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


OMG!  I sent out 6 query letters regarding my book.  I got a rejection.  Oh well.  Then......the second agent I sent a query letter to asked for the first ten pages of the book!  Yes, for real.  I know it doesn't mean it will get published, but it is a step, the second step!
will I sleep tonight?  Nah...but I will dream and hope.
Then........wait to hear.  That's the scary part.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

First rejection

Yes, I got my first rejection.  It was one of those automatic ones.  Oh well.  I didn't cry.  I took it okay.  And sent out five more query letters after making a few very needed changes.
I am tired tonight.  We worked really hard today, getting things ready to head south for the winter.  Not done yet, but getting there.
Tomorrow I go shopping with my two girls.  It will be interesting.
Just so y'all know.  I am not crazy.  I am depressed and have been for fourteen years.  I have tried lots of medications, some good, some horrid.  I know that the med I am on now is not perfect, but I can at least live with the side effects.  I have no desire to try any other.  So.......I have ups and downs.  Oh gosh so does everyone.  For some reason some members of my family think that this means I am losing it.  Well, I am not.   I get emotional, sometimes very emotional, and I cry, but give me a break, there are reasons, good ones, for me to get emotional.
I FEEL GOOD about myself.  I THINK I handle the crap pretty well.
I am heading south for the winter with my loving spouse and I will continue to be happy and live my life.  And inspite of what some people may think, they are wrong.  I am happy.  I am good.  I am just me.  And that is enough.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Deep breath......then hit send.

I did it.  I finally sent off my first query letter.  It felt wonderful and terrifying at the same time.  I really just want someone to read my book.  Of course, like all others, I want them to like it, I do, a lot.
Writing is a passion I have developed late in life, I don't know if I am any good or not, I just know that the story came to me one day and after sitting down at my computer the words flowed out almost without my knowing what they were.
I have been editing for a year.  Is that long enough?  I am sure and Agent would say no, but at some point you just have to submit.  So, point is, I submitted today.  Just one agent.  I will submit to more tomorrow, or maybe the next day.
I am breathing.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Some days are bad, really bad.  Some are good, some are better, but today..........today is jess FINE!
My mood is so improved I just want to smile.  No grin.  No giggle.
It is amazing how a bout with the down side of depression can make you so absolutely jubilant when it ends.  The energy comes back, the appreciation, and of course the passion for all things good.
TODAY IS FINE.  Today I am fine.  Old, wrinkled, pudgy, but fine.
I can hardly wait to begin again to do all the things I love.
Oh!  My espouso has been working today, so he doesn't know.  Won't he be happy when he comes home?
Oh yeah....